Get to Know Alton Job

Your source for reliable foreign workers since 2015

Our Values

We are guided by honesty, professionalism, and flexibility to meet the expectations of our clients. We care for both the interests of employers and the well-being of employees, ensuring they have appropriate conditions and support.

Company History

Alton Job began its operations in 2015 as a temporary employment agency specializing in staff leasing from Ukraine and other Eastern countries. Since then, we have built a solid reputation as a partner in HR services, offering comprehensive assistance in legalizing stay and work, organizing accommodation, and providing employee transportation.

Our Team

Our qualified team of industry specialists is ready to help you find the best candidates for your company and provide support at every stage of cooperation.

Our Services

What We Do

We specialize in staff leasing and comprehensive recruitment, providing:

  • Staff Leasing: Quick access to qualified personnel.
  • One-Time Recruitment: Matching employees to specific requirements.
  • Legalization of Foreigners: Assistance in legalizing stay and work.

Success Stories

Our Clients

Read the stories of our satisfied clients who have significantly improved their company’s efficiency through cooperation with us. Learn how Alton Job helped them in developing and managing their human resources.

Partner with Alton Job

Learn more about our services and see how we can help your company. Fill out the form, and our specialists will contact you to discuss the details.

Umów rozmowę

Potrzebujesz sprawdzonych pracowników? Skontaktuj się z nami, aby umówić bezpłatną konsultację. Dowiedz się, jak możemy wesprzeć Twój biznes poprzez usługi leasingu pracowników.

Wypełnij formularz, a nasi specjaliści przedstawią Ci spersonalizowane rozwiązania.

Schedule a Consultation

Need reliable employees? Contact us to schedule a free consultation. Learn how we can support your business through our employee leasing services.